Counter Surfing and Garbage Raiding

Counter Surfing and Garbage Raiding

Counter Surfing and Garbage Raiding “WHY YOU LITTLE……!” “Counter Surfing” and “Garbage Raiding”… sounds cute, right? When you think “Counter Surfing”, what immediately comes to mind is an image of your...
Adopting Siblings and Littermates

Adopting Siblings and Littermates

Raising Siblings and Littermates Why you might want to think twice about adopting two puppies at once There’s no denying it: adopting a puppy is one of the greatest things ever. Puppies are cute, energetic, playful, cuddly, loving — all that. We know how it...
Door Manners

Door Manners

Training Your Dog to Have “Door Manners” Keeping them from bolting out of an open door means training for dogs AND humans! Door manners are an important safety skill especially for dogs that like to escape and explore. It’s meant to teach your dog to...
Weekend Crate Training

Weekend Crate Training

Crate Training Information The Do’s and Don’ts, and some tips & tricks! When used correctly, a crate is a great short-term tool for managing and training your dog. A crate can provide a safe, cozy place that your dog can feel comfortable in and even...
Fearful Dogs

Fearful Dogs

Help! I Have a Fearful Dog!   Fear and anxiety can be extremely stressful on the dog and especially on you. After all, they can’t tell you what’s wrong, and you can’t tell them “everything’s going to be okay.”  ...

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